Yeah, most things at Walt Disney World are magical and amazing. The reality is that anywhere you have multiple options to choose from, though, you’ll be in a situation where there are winners and losers. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid these places. In many cases, the problem is that you’re probably not getting great value for your meal. When you know that before you get there, it may oddly be easier to embrace the experience. In any case, here are some of the worst places to dine in throughout Disney World if you want to get your money’s worth.
Epcot – Coral Reef Restaurant

The ambiance here gets 10 points! There are probably aquariums across the world that have smaller tanks than the ones you can see here. Perhaps the problem with this place is the abundance of decent food options at Epcot. With so many options from the different countries in the Pavillion area, it’s perhaps the park where it’s less worth it to splurge on “fine dining.” The food is decent across the board, but it’s just hard to justify it when you can leave the place thinking of the tacos you could’ve gotten at the Mexico section for a fraction of the price.
Hollywood Studios – Mama Melrose’s

This place is one of those that a lot of people come out of disappointed. There’s again a simple reason for this. You’ve got quite a few options to choose from throughout the resort if you’re looking for Italian food. The quality of that food here just isn’t above and beyond to where it makes it worth the price. At least, that’s what a lot of people on Yelp happen to think. It’s been a consistent theme at this place for years.
Animal Kingdom – Rainforest Café

An apology in advance to the fans of Rainforest Café. When have most of you been here and thought the experience was worth what I paid? You feel like you’re overpaying for this at a local mall, when there were these restaurants at every mall anyway. Of course, when you sit down here on a Disney vacation, you’re probably going to feel like you’ve overpaid.
Magic Kingdom – Cinderella’s Royal Table

Another spot that could cause some controversy. The thing is, they sell the experience masterfully! In fact, it appeals to young and old. Some people sit here and live out childhood dreams. There’s nothing wrong with that; this is not meant to criticize people who’ve had a memorable experience at one of the most iconic restaurants at the resort. What’s the criticism here, then? If you’re not a fan of the film, and you’re not living out some sort of fantasy, you may realize the food’s middle of the pack. When the bill comes, it’s going to make you wish you had picked somewhere else to eat. The tip here is to leave this experience to people who will actually enjoy it!
Disney Boardwalk / Hotels IL Mulino

Yet another Italian spot on the list! This restaurant suffers from some of the same issues that plague Mama Melrose’s. The menu is rather thin; you’re not going to have a ton of options to choose from. If you’re paying maybe over $100 an entrée, you want to make sure it’s worth it. A lot of people have left here thinking that it just wasn’t. That’s the reason why this place made the list! Again, none of this info is meant to minimize anyone’s personal experience. Hopefully, this list can help you craft your dining experiences for your next Disney World trip!